Disneyland- Paris, France

Disneyland- Tokyo, Japan
Sorry for all the 'Mansion' posts, but I can't stop thinking about the Haunted Mansion lately. I have been having dreams about the Mansion and about being at Disneyland, even a few nights before Guillermo del Toro made his announcement, I was dreaming about the glorious Haunted Mansion.
In the dream I remember the most (one that I had about two nights before Guillermo del Toro claimed to remake the Haunted Mansion), I went to Disneyland and remember thinking it was awkward that I had to go in through some sort of secret back way (I really wanted to see the front entrance and walk through main street first). I then made my way to the mansion and was very upset to see it closed down. I went inside and began asking people why they would dare do such a thing and they said, "look at the line outside, it's so short. We are trying to remodel it to get more people to come on the ride." I then looked at their remodeling plans and took over the project. "No, no, no, this is all wrong, people. You need to this and we need to make it look like this, we must keep the style of this place looking amazing..."
Either I am a control freak or I am just having Disneyland withdrawals.