Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Who's The Baddest Witch In Town?

What better way to celebrate Friday the 13th than adopting a Halloween-colored kitten?! Meet Fiona. Fiona Goode, of course. My little Supreme. 

    For months my mother and I have been missing our cat, Trouble, who passed away just days before last Halloween. We grieved for months, but soon felt the urge to give the love we had in hearts to a new kitty (or two). As I now live with my parents for the time being, I felt it was important for us to at least have one sweet kitty about the house, but my mom brought up the idea of the two of us each adopting our own, that way when I move out I'll have a kitty I can take with me. So last Friday, we brought home these two precious little beings: Fiona and Cocoa. 

     When we went into PetSmart the other night (great adoption program, with all rescue cats), I had originally planned on adopting this adorable black cat I'd had my eye on for weeks. However, the night we arrived, she had already been adopted. Although I was devastated, my mother encouraged me to give the other cats a chance, and I'm beyond grateful I did. First, my mother was drawn to Cocoa, a sweet, loving, and cuddly gray and white kitten of five months - shy at first, but a fun and joyful sweetheart as soon as she gets comfortable with you. Then, when I came in to meet the cats, I  met Cocoa's best friend (who she had been fostered with and loved dearly), my soon-to-be Fiona. The first interaction I had with her, she licked my hand, and sat on my lap purring - right then, I knew she was mine! 

     At first I struggled to name her. I wanted to call her Salem - my all-time favorite name. Sure, it's the name of Sabrina's cat, and the town of the Salem Witch Trials (which I'm obviously obsessed with), but it's also a beautiful name that means peace and love - so, let's be honest, I'll probably use the name for one of my future children. In which case, I didn't want to overuse it. Soon, I got to understand my little Halloween-colored Torti cat and the extent of her personality and attitude - and boy is there one! She's a complete badass with a mind of her own - much like my favorite AHS character, Fiona Goode. Once I realized how much she reminded me of a tough and fearless Fiona Goode, filled with character, the name just stuck. Overall, I'm so in love with Fiona and Cocoa and all the joy they are experiencing in their new home! 

(Clearly irritated I interrupted nap time...)


  1. Congrats on the newbies! This is really neat news. SO happy for you guys.
