First blog entry on the first of a beautiful month. My reason for beginning a blog titled "Vintage Séance" is because for as long as I can remember I have been inspired by historical styles as well as the eerie unknown; the abnormal and the down-right strange. I suppose this is the reason why I have found myself becoming slowly but surely obsessed with Halloween. It is a holiday (or even a season) that explores both elements that intrigue me: the past and the paranormal. Who doesn't like a good ghost story? I always have, even if they would scare the wits out of me. Even if I got nightmares, or had to sleep with the light on... I still found myself wanting to hear more; craving scary movies and spooky books. Over the years I realized that I never stopped being interested in spooky stories or macabre styles from decor, cinema, or art. In fact my interest for them has grown. I also came to realize that every year when Halloween had ended, it felt like a part of me was missing. One year when I felt completely depressed about, I asked myself, "Just because Halloween is over, who says I don't have to continue being inspired by it, creating new ideas to celebrate it? Who says I have to put it off for a whole year?"
Thus I decided not to ignore Halloween for a year; instead I would take the time when everyone celebrated Christmas, Valentine's Day, and the Fourth of July to continue creating decor and story ideas for Halloween. Don't get me wrong, I love all the other holidays, and celebrate them too, but Halloween is more than just a holiday to me. It is a chance to express my art- "What art is that?" you ask? Well, due to all that has inspired me over the years I have found that my passion is telling stories, many of which include inspiration from All Hollow's Eve. Because of this I am majoring in Filmmaking. What I specifically want to do in filmmaking? That is the question.
I love directing, writing, cinematography, production design, and acting. However, again, I ask myself, "Who says...?" Who says I can only have one career? Why can't I make movies and work on random but fun Halloween decor ideas on the side? If there is one thing I know it's that I will be writing scary stories no matter what. Whoever I chose to be and whatever I choose to do, I invite you, my dear readers, to venture with me as I explore all that inspires me to express my art. My name is Nina and I promise to try to keep this blog interesting, up to date, and full of things that not only inspire me, but also will hopefully inspire you too.
I love long posts : )